This is another easy Vestel fix, worth checking if you have a dead TV with a vestel 17PW80 PSU.
I found zero virtually zero power going to the main board and the screen controller kept tripping.
I checked the capacitors for the usual bulges etc but they appeared to be fine.
There are 5x large diodes, just below the caps in the secondary section of the power supply. Soon found the fault:
Lift one of the legs on the first 3x – D708,D709 & D710.
Then check them with a meter – I found D710 to be shorted.
I soldered the other 2x back and tested the TV for 30 seconds with the shorted diode disconnected.
I would recommend replacing all three – you looking for a 200v 3A UF5402, easily available on ebay for a couple of quid.
Simple fix.
10 Responses to Dead Toshiba 22DL704B TV Repair (vestel 17PW80)