The govenment funded Home Access Program was put into place to provide free or greatly reduced in price laptops for families on low income.
These laptops have “Windows 7 Pro Natl. Academic Only OA” or “ULCPC (ultra low cost personal computer)” on the windows sticker.
As the program has now finished, there are a lot of laptops knocking around with passwords on the “Parent” account.
If you restore the laptop to factory you will need the password to get into an administrator account.
I think it’s about time these passwords fell into the public domain, so here are a collection of confirmed passwords, I hope they can help.
cometpar – usually found on models supplied by Comet
welcome – samsung models
changeme – samsung models
Misco – I’m sure you can work out who supplied these ones….
xmahaadmin – XMA trade distributers now part of Westcoast
parent – Zoostorm models
learner – PC World Toshiba
Others sometimes used were reported to be $tone2010 / Learner (capital L) / T3chnical